Scallywagathon TBR
Scallywagathon starts today!
Link to Hardback Hoarder’s announcement video
Link to the map!
Here is my tbr, I tried to include books that were already on my may tbr. Surprisingly no graphic novels for this. That might change as it gets closer to the end of the week.
5. Calm before the storm- first in a series.
16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber. First in the Cedar Cove series.
6.Treasure map- a book that has a map in it
The Princess Bride.
B.Thar she blows! a book that exploded with popularity this year
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Mass
9.Blow down the man- a book by a woman author
Day 21 by Kass Morgan

Happy reading!