Book Review: Petals by Gustavo Borges

Petals by Gustavo Borges and Cris Peter

Buy it here : amazon link

This isn’t the first wordless graphic novel I’ve ever read, but it is by far the best!

This story starts with a young fox who is searching for firewood to bring home to heat the den where his father lays in bed sick. Along the way he meets a bird who lends a helping hand and comes to stay with them.

This is a beautiful story of love, friendship and loss. I would never have though that a book told only in pictures would make me feel so much emotion. I highly recommend this.

4.5 stars

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Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact

Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact
by Matt Mair Lowery and Cassie Anderson

I went into this knowing nothing other than a little girl somehow made contact with aliens and I feel like that was best. But if you insist on knowing things keep reading. I’ll try to keep my review spoiler free as always.
11 year old Cleo is so shy she can’t give her oral report for school, but at least she has her best friend, Dad. He cheers her up whenever she’s feeling down and is always there for her. That is until the aliens invaded and killed him. (This happened in the first few pages, not a spoiler…but again I’m glad I didn’t know).
One alien shape shifts into the form of her father, and Cleo is terrified. He’s fighting the other aliens though, so he appears to be on her side. She doesn’t want to leave her dead father’s body but the alien convinces her to flee with him before more aliens come.
Through out this journey Cleo has to deal with her grief while learning to fight the invaders with her new friend.
This story is beautifully told. I rarely cry while reading a graphic novel but I sobbed through this one. That may be just because I lost my father, but I feel like they captured grief and what it looks like perfectly.
I’m not sure if there will be more but I hope so! I gave this 5 stars.

Book Review Monstress Vol 1 and 2

I want to try to review every book I read this month so I’m starting with Monstress by Marjorie Liu and art by Sana Takeda!!!

I read volume 2, but this review will be for both volumes and as spoiler free as possible!
Maika Halfwolf is an Arcanic which is a half-breed descendant of the ancients that often have animal characteristics such as tails, fur or wings. Humans are at war with them and hunt them and witches enslave them and use them to make Lillium which gives them power. Maika struggles with trying to remember her past and keeping the monster inside her at bay.
Kippa (my favorite!) attaches herself to Maika’s side and will not leave, following her everywhere she goes on her journey of discovery.

Along with them is Master Ren who is a two tailed cat and also a necromancer. He seems to know at least a little about everything. I’m confused about the cats in the story, they seem to be some sort of record keepers? They appear at the end of every issue with a huge info dump of information usually involving history surrounding the wars. To be honest the info dump is the only thing I don’t like about the series and I remember very little. Same thing happened in history class when the teacher was lecturing.
In Volume 2 Kippa finds a bone key and the 3 board a pirate ship to an Island of bones where Maika’s mother had journeyed to in the past. No one spoke of the Island or what had happened there, so Maika feels like it must hold some significance to unlocking the past she can’t remember and the secrets of the monster inside her.
I love the artwork by Sana Takeda. It’s by far the best artwork I’ve seen in a graphic novel and definitely the main reason for my 5 star rating. Every single page is so detailed and gorgeous, even the gory dark parts. I loved every second of it.
The world building is incredible. I keep wanting to see and know more and I can never get enough.
A lot of low reviews complain about violence and disturbing plot lines. If that bothers you then this probably isn’t for you. This is very dark and graphic at times and is set in a war. There is torture and slavery and gore. Cannibalism even. It’s not a pretty story. Also, being the first volume of a graphic novel you are going to be left a little confused. It’s a series, so the answers will unravel over the course of multiple volumes.
This story is not for everyone but if you don’t mind violence and gore I recommend giving it a try! If you love Saga and can get through the contents of that then this shouldn’t be too dark for you.
Monstress Volume 3 was supposed to be published in August but goodreads says it is expected to be published on 9/11/2018 by Image Comics. The cover is amazing though!

Comment down below if you’ve read Monstress and any recommendations you have for me. I’m always looking for new graphic novels to read.

Top 5 Peter Pan Retellings

I’ve always been a huge fan of Peter Pan since I was little. Not because of the Disney movie, which I also love. I was obsessed with the 1960 musical starring Mary Martin. My dad would let us watch this over and over no matter how many times we asked for it. I can never get enough of the story, no matter how many retellings I read, how many movies I see.

These are going to be listed in no particular order because I love them all and refuse to choose between them.
1. Tigerlily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

This book wrecked me and I loved it! This isn’t a cheesy YA romance. Told from Tinker Bell’s POV, it tells the story of Peter Pan in a way you’ve never heard before.
2. Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell

Gwen and her friend Olivia are kidnapped by shadows and wisked away to Neverland. Very similar to the Hook and Pan from Once Upon A Time.

3. The Child Theif by Brom

This is definately for adults. Very dark, very graphic. Even I had to put it down a few times.

4. Everland by Wendy Spinale

Dystopian Steampunk Peter Pan. This one is the furthest from the original of all of the retellings I’ve ever read.

5. Peter Panzerfaust by Kurtis J. Wiebe

Peter Pan set in World War 2. If that description isn’t enough for you then I can’t make you happy.
Let me know your favorite retellings!